Buying The Right Retirement Property

The right home is part of the plan

Everyone needs to plan for retirement in the physical sense which includes selecting a home that will be both comfortable as well as accommodating. The things to consider when picking the right home include everything from where to what. Here are some helpful pointers as you map out your plan.

Single-level lifestyle

Avoid having to deal with stairs if you don’t need to by picking a home that offers the ease of single level living. As one ages with the possibility of having more mobility challenges this will only make things easier overall. 

The Location

Just like any kind of home purchase the location is going to be key. Things to consider for retirement properties include the climate, ease of accessibility to services like shopping, healthcare as well as a community that you will enjoy spending all of your free time in.


Narrow hallways and doorways are never great. However, allowing more space to travel with ease is important should you ever need assistance with devices that may call for more clearance.

Bathroom access 

Bathtubs are ideal for soaking, but a walk-in shower that is spacious will be most accommodating for you in the long run. Being able to safely walk in and out is most important.

Pet accommodations

Pets offer emotional sustenance in our lives and life just wouldn’t be the same without them so consider a home that is pet friendly and offers the conveniences that they would need.

Extra space

No matter what your age many people are fond of companionship. Picking a home with space for a partner, roommate or even family member can be helpful to factor in as you keep your options open. 


Retirement years can be both a busy and fun time of your life. With more free time to share with family and friends while you do activities that you truly enjoy. When locating a home be sure that it is close to the things that are important to your lifestyle but also offer some alternative transportation options.  


Security blankets everything from a home security system to services that are available close by that can send help with the simple push of a button. 

If you are looking for a home that you can comfortably retire in, feel free to contact me today. 


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